How To Sell CrossFit Memberships Online


How can you spend less time processing enthusiastic new members and get them in your box faster?

Avoid missing their call or email and get them to purchase straight through your website.

It will reduce the amount of administration and give you more freedom.

Imagine sitting at home watching netflix and you phone goes ding!… another new member, processed and paid in full online.

1. Target Market (Persona)

Start by understanding exactly the type of person who are trying to market to. This needs to be someone very specific. The truth is if you try and pick a group of people or various people you will not be able to resonate with them and get any interest. 

To learn how to create a persona watch this free training > Click Here

2. Traffic

Once you know who you are going to target you need to start getting traffic onto your social media and website. One of the best ways to do this is to create great content.

Not the same boring stuff as everyone else but content that is valuable because it addresses problems, questions & roadblocks that your Persona is having troubles with.

Learn more about creating great content for your affilaite > Click Here

3. Leads

Now that you have more of your Persona coming to your website you want to be able to collect their details first. This is to make sure if they leave you can still get it contact with them and they dont disappear forever. 

We do this by offering them something valuable, so good that you could easily charge for it, for free. Thats right for free.

Provide them value and show how you could be of assistance. Just think of your Personas Problems, do they need mobility advice? Recovery plans? Diet guide?

Want to learn more watch our free training > Click Here

4. Sales Page

Now that you have leads pouring in it is time to show them your sales page. ‘What is a Sales Page?‘ I hear you ask.

It is one of the most important components of any business with an online presence today.

It showcases what you can do for your persona. It presents the amazing value that your affiliate offers its members. 

If you need to see a sales page example just click and view our Courses pages > Click Here

And believe it or not…it is that easy. 

Just 4 steps to start automating your sales process for interested members into your CrossFit Affiliate