Content Marketing Tips For CrossFit Affiliates


Most ‘marketing’ experts will tell you it is all about SEO, keywords, what hashtags you use and other various tricks and hacks to get better results from your social media or articles.

Want to know what more important than all of that?

The answer is provide content that is really valuable so someone specific!

Give the people a reason to like, comment, read and share you content.

Don’t fall for the b.s that there are other areas you need to focus on, those tricks are the couple percent when to have everything else already going well.

Think of it like a CrossFit Games athlete. They may train like a madman, hit WODs with intensity, recover well and have a good diet. They know that they are doing 95% of things right, so they know they will do well. Whats left, that last 5%, are the small things. The last 5% could be extras like supplements.

Now take a regular CrossFitter in your box. They want to make the games, however, their training intensity is average, skip extras, have got irregular sleeping habbits, and have a terrible diet. Will supplements be the thing that gets them to the games? helll no.

The same principle applies with your content.

Having content that is actually valuable and useful for someone specific is that 95%, and if you havn’t nailed that then don’t worry about the rest.


Here is our 3 step process to creating great content for your marketing:

1. Think of someone very specific

Start by thinking about one member of your box. Think about produce some valuable content for them, help them solves a problem, answer some of their questions and help them overcome a roadblock. 

After you think about some of their problems, questions and roadblocks ask yourself the following questions:

  • What Do They Believe?
  • What Do They Want?
  • Who Do They Trust?
  • What Is Their Narrative?
  • What Do They Tell Their Friends?
This should give you insight into what content they want.

2. Solve their problems

Next produce some simple and easy way that they can use to solve that problem. 

Using frameworks or processes work great! Why?

Because they are concise, easy to remember, and often more trusted.

3. Produce relavent content 

Think of producing content that does 1 of 2 thing. It either educates or it entertains. Call it edutainment. 

Finally create edutainment content that you actually enjoy creating and that the person you selected in step 1 will actually consume.

Could be visual (photo or video), Audio (podcast), or Written (Article). 

No point creating endless instagram reels with you hate creating them and the person they are targeted towards will never watch them.

If you love doing podcasts and your targeted person would listen on the way to or from work then great! Do that. 

Find something that works for both you and them.

3 Step Content Marketing Process for CrossFit Affiliates

That’s it!

Three easy steps to creating great content that is targeted and therefore effective!